Having troubles registering your child online?

You most likely have not added them you your Family Group! Go to your Account and click 'My Groups', add your children's names and birthdates and then you should be able to register them no problem! If you still have issues, please contact guest services at 403-201-8652

 Home Registered Programs Hockey Programs Introductory Hockey (4-5yrs)

Introductory Hockey (4-5yrs)

This is a non-competitive introduction to hockey. Each 45 minute class will include a warm up plus skill development using drills and games. Participants will be introduced to scrimmages in a non-competitive environment. Previous skating experience is mandatory; participants should be comfortable skating forwards, backwards and stopping. Both boys and girls are welcome. Full equipment is mandatory: CSA approved helmet with a full cage, mouth guard, neck guard, shoulder pads, elbow pads, shin pads, hockey pants, gloves, jersey, socks, pelvic protection, hockey stick and skates.