Having troubles registering your child online?

You most likely have not added them you your Family Group! Go to your Account and click 'My Groups', add your children's names and birthdates and then you should be able to register them no problem! If you still have issues, please contact guest services at 403-201-8652

 Home Registered Programs Hockey Programs Ladies Learn to Play Hockey (16+)

Ladies Learn to Play Hockey (16+)

Have you always wanted to play hockey, but don’t know where to begin?? We have the program for you!! Come join our qualified instructors as they lead you through hockey related skills and drills such as balance, developing your stride, stopping, puck handling in a fun, safe and encouraging environment. Our program is designed for women that already know how to skate but haven’t skated in a hockey setting. Full gear is required: CSA approved helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads, hockey pants, shin pads, jersey, socks, gloves, skates and a stick.