Having troubles registering your child online?

You most likely have not added them you your Family Group! Go to your Account and click 'My Groups', add your children's names and birthdates and then you should be able to register them no problem! If you still have issues, please contact guest services at 403-201-8652

 Home Registered Programs Summer Camps Summer Youth Camps Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Camp (10 - 14)

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Camp (10 - 14)

This summer sign up for adventure in a camp all about the world's most popular tabletop roleplaying game! Over the week, campers will learn about roleplaying games, gaming etiquette, and using their imagination to create interesting characters and exciting stories. These young adventurers will get to flex their creativity and practice teamwork as they overcome challenges and craft adventures. No prior experience, dice, or additional supplies required.