Having troubles registering your child online?

You most likely have not added them you your Family Group! Go to your Account and click 'My Groups', add your children's names and birthdates and then you should be able to register them no problem! If you still have issues, please contact guest services at 403-201-8652

 Home Registered Programs Summer Camps Engineering For Kids

Engineering For Kids

The Fun, Educational Summer Camp Your Child Is Bound to Enjoy! Let your imagination run wild this summer with our STEM Summer Camps! Drones, Roblox, Minecraft, Coding, 3D Printing, Robotics, Junior Inventors, and much more! Jump into 5 days of jam-packed adventure! EFK offers a diverse selection of themed camps to give your child the summer of a lifetime. Keep their growing minds engaged, even when schools out! Find your inner engineer through innovation, collaboration, and play with EFK!



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